So lets start with why nasal breathing. In simple, we should begin to use nasal breathing because it is there for a reason and provides a vital function. There are many advantages with nasal breathing rather than mouth breathing. One being that the nose is able to work like a filter. The little hairs inside of your nose helps to filter out foreign substances whenever you inhale and exhale.
A further benefit of nasal breathing is too slow down our breathing. The quicker we breathe, the less oxygen we are getting into our body. Through mouth breathing, it becomes very easy to hyperventilate. Whereas with nasal breathing the process becomes a lot slower therefore having further effects of lowering anxiety, increasing oxygen intake and improving our aerobic system resulting in longer periods of time exercising or being out of breath. Nasel breathing help filter and warm the air making it easier for our body to use.
Mouth breathing can change you physically but not necessarily for the better! If you only mouth breathe, the inhaled air decreases pressure and this then causes the soft tissues at the back of the mouth to become loose and flex forward which means less space and therefore breathing more difficult. However, inhaling through the nasal cavity means that air is forced against the flabby tissues at the back of the throat meaning the airways widen and breathing then becomes easier.
Reduced snoring and sleep apnea is another advantage of nasal breathing. If you snore in your sleep, it is because you are breathing through your mouth.
Snoring happens because gravity pulls the soft tissues in the throat and the tongue down which results in the closing off of the airway. The body then gets conditioned to sleep this way, causing sleep apnea which becomes your new way of sleeping.
Nasal breathing also has a big impact on the diaphragm. The diaphragm is a muscle located below the lungs and attaches to the lower back. The mechanics of the diaphragm when breathing is a up and down contracting motion. This muscle controls the volume of oxygen the lungs take in in each breath. Therefore, by nasal breathing more oxygen is getting into the body as the diaphragm is working at full capacity whereas mouth breathing doesn’t work the diaphragm to its fullest.
This is just a quick snippet in how nasal breathing should become the new norm and the benefits of nasal breathing. To recap the advantages of nasal breathing are:
Filter foreign substances
Slow down breathing/ reduce hyperventilation
Maintain correct structural features
Reduce sleep apnea and snoring
Correct use of the diaphragm
