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Kelly Morris

Helping you connect with your own body to be able to live a confident and pain-free life.


Kelly's Story

Kelly is a Health Care Professional, she has worked for the Ambulance Service since December 2013, working through the different qualifications and gaining invaluable experience in Trauma, Medical and Sport related injuries and illnesses. This includes high impact sports such as Rugby and falls from height such as Horse riding.
Kelly, graduated from Sheffield Hallam University with a BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science in 2021.

In 2025, Kelly has recently joined the PB Movement team and starts to begin her journey alongside her Paramedic carer. At PB Movement she will gain more experience within the sporting industry which will allow her to develop more knowledge across all fields in her career.

Kelly specialises in Sports massage, but in the future she hoping to offer more treatments to widen her skills and understanding on helping clients at PB Movement.
In Kelly’s spare time she loves playing football as well as promoting positive mental health. Kelly has played football for around 30 years and is still going to this day. When she was younger, Kelly played football at England school level.

Kelly has two daughters (aged 18 and 16) which also participate in a wide range of sport, so her weekends normally consist of lots of football and rugby matches.

Let’s Work Together

Sports massage

BSc(Horns) Paramedic Science

FA Football Coach

Emergency sports pitch side first aid

Safe guarding adult and children

Fire safety in work place

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